Continuing On: The Breast Cancer, the solo-preneur, Findings that lead to the Surgery

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…

Now THE  appointment with the surgeon is here (yes, expect surgery if you go to a surgeon, but…) with all results in from MRI of both breasts, and bone scan (not bone density) and I brought along two friends from church. Remember, extra ears and friends taking notes are mandatory! You are under a lot of stress at this point and may not ‘hear’ everything.

Doctor comes in, sits down and says “well, we are going to have a very different conversation today from what I expected”. Now I am thinking oh Lord, what is this going to mean??? He went on to tell me the MRI showed my tumor was only 1.9 mm vs the 5 mm he first thought with biopsy results. Plus, the other breast was clear! Whew! His recommendation was breast tissue conserving surgery, thus a lumpectomy not the mastectomy he envisioned due to initial ‘size’ of my tumor! God was in my life and taking care of my body and  had a plan. Therefore life was not going to be so complicated with a longer surgery, drains, increased prospect of pain, then comes breast revisions and all that recovery time.

Next was to schedule the surgery as he was going on holiday and we would not get started for about 3 weeks. Lots to prepare for now. Get the date set; find care for the dog while out of commission; someone to take me to the hospital, bring me home and spend the night; lab work, EKG; chest x-ray; and scariest of all get my insurance coverage confirmed as I was also changing plans due to change in Cigna…So much to do, so little time and looking at my schedule I expect to keep working during recovery as it is only the lumpectomy, I plan to be working within a week!



Next up – day of surgery.


To connect with Linda, call her at 310-831-4400 or

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