Archive for the ‘mobile devices’ Category

Smart Phone Security for Today’s Technology

All of us seem to have a smart phone these days. We have pictures, documents, mobile wallets and if it goes south, hacked, lost…your life will seem to be over. So start thinking about the active precautions you need to take..NOW!

  1. Install a VPN  – virtual private network – there are many choices out there along with discounts
  2. Install an ad blocker. Some VPN’s  do that automatically
  3. Activate your screen lock
  4. Always check permissions with addition of new app’s
  5. Activate remote device locator
  6. Activate auto back-up
  7. Activate 2-factor authentication
  8. Turn on encryption
  9. Install antivirus
  10. Make sure to use different passwords for different accounts (password manager)

Security today has to be first and foremost in your mind. Often you are sing your own device at work. What will happen if your or your company information is compromised. Who is to be blamed? Can it affect your job? If a breach occurs because of your device what are the consequences. Mobile technology has made our lives more interesting, often easier, but also a challenge in keep information safe and secure.

For further information and other updates contact Linda at 310-831-4400 or watch for her regular Twitter updates!

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